Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Youth Retreat

Our youth group along with 2 other youth groups from our sisters church went away to Camp Joy El for a 3 day retreat to hear God's word, worship, have small groups, fellowship with others, and have fun. It was a great time! The Theme of the Retreat was beholding God...and each message was about beholding God in a different area of life.

Our 4 wonderful speakers:
John Loftness
Chris Silard
Bob Donahue
Curtis Allen

Zach lead us in some wonderful times of worship!

Karlee wearing Natalia's wig from "the suitcase of shame" for people who were late.

Our admin was in charge of the games and they were pretty great!

This was the messiest rely ever! Your team sat in a line and you had to pass oatmeal from the bucket over your head to the next person till it got to the end of the line and you slowly filled your bin with oatmeal....

needless to say afterwards everyone needed a shower! The small groups (made up of the 3 different churches) met
after after the sessions to discuss the message.

Mr. Silard giving directions on the giant game of earth ball.
Yes it got pretty vicious!

Mike lead worship on the 2nd day. =D

Thanks for Mr. Dickson for all the work you did in putting together the Retreat!

Thanks for everyone who served there: (worship team, admins, small group leaders, speakers, et.)!!!


Anonymous August 12, 2008 at 3:04 PM  

aw, looks like you had a great time! nice photos, you have a great eye :)

Love you! :) rach

Anonymous August 14, 2008 at 5:36 AM  

Wow, looks like it was a blast! You got some great shots. That looks like a really neat area too...Can't wait to hear all about it! Love you!


Anna L. August 15, 2008 at 6:25 PM  

hahhaha...it was a blast :-)

Yeah, becca, that was pretty much the awesome-est four days spending time with you ever!!



Anonymous August 18, 2008 at 7:01 PM  

I love what you have captured here. IT tells a complete story and brings out emotion. NICE job and looks like it was a great time!

Bonnie August 18, 2008 at 7:24 PM  

This is in PA, right?

My husband is a youth pastor and we took our kids there for the first time this year! Wow, small world! :)

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