Sunday, November 9, 2008

Joe's Partey

Hello my horribly neglected blog! Okay Here are pics. from Joe's surprise party FINALLY! Everytime I was about to post someting would happen like our internet not working etc. so here they are!(Blogger was being weird and wouln't let me switch the order of pictures so here they are in no particular order at all.)
The happy b-day boy (after the shock)

Aren't they the cutest couple?

The Food!
Thanks to Mr. Stafford we had tons of hotdogs!
Football was one of the main attractions!
If you look closely you can see joe and kristen this is when they first drove
up and he was completely surprised!
Everyone waiting.

Yah Kristen you did it! The party was a blast and Joe was definitely surprised!


Sarah Bearah November 9, 2008 at 9:36 PM  

I love how in the picture of Joe and Kristen driving up, Kristen is snapping away with her camera too... the day was waaaay fun!!!

Anonymous November 12, 2008 at 8:17 PM  

This is great!!! What a cute couple, love all the smiles :)

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