Just an Ordinary Day....
I'm starting a new project and I'm calling it "Just an Ordinary Day" I'm challenging myself to capture my everyday life. Not the posed shot of my siblings in perfect lighting or the once in a month perfectly clean house or when everyone's all dressed up for a wedding, but the little details of my life, the things that I often overlook. The things that I would miss if I moved or someone died. Those are the moments and things I want to begin to capture.
So here is the beginning, don't expect anything fancy, but maybe you'll get a glimps into what my life really is like. I will try to do a post every week so stay tuned!
I'll begin with my kitchen/morning room this is no doubt the room that my family spends the most time in, whether it's cooking, eating, chilling on the island, working on a laptop, doing homework or just talking and listening to music. This room bring us together and is where we have some of the best conversations. In the collage below I attempted to capture some of the bits and pieces of this room:
oranges ripening on the window sill, math homework on the whiteboard, a kitchen cabinet that someone forgot to close, a cinnamon roll that's been sitting on the counter all morning, flowers from mother's day, dead petals on a kitchen stool, and one of my mom's kitchen decorations. (sorry about the small size, i'm still trying to get my formatting right)
I hope you all had a great Holiday weekend, celebrating our freedom!
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